Best Firewood For Pizza Oven - Here’s How To Choose

Whether day or night, summer or winter, casual or special event; there is only one thing that lifts the mood and taste buds – Pizza, actually, the Wood Fired Pizza. After all, it is cooked naturally in a wood fire oven, resulting in an enhanced and smokey flavor of dreams.

A wood-fired pizza tastes much better if you use the right firewood to burn the oven. You got it right! The best wood for a pizza oven (ranging from oak to ironbark firewood) brings a huge difference to your pizza’s taste, texture, and cooking speed. 

However, if you are unsure how to choose the most suitable firewood for a pizza oven out of ample options, don’t worry! Here we have the essential tips. Check out!

Choosing The Right Wood For Pizza Oven

Before getting started, think of what you will need – of course, a very hot oven to cook pizza! This alone is a powerful hint to make the right choice. Besides, you also ought to make sure that the fire does not release hazardous chemicals into the food or leave soot that presents a fire hazard.

Concerning the requirements, the best choice is to lighten up the pizza oven with none other than dense, seasoned wood. Oak, maple, and ironbark firewood in Sydney are safe options to get a screaming hot temperature and keep the fire burning for a long time in the oven.

Further, a few other factors may make getting the best firewood a cinch for you. These are:

Pizza Flavour

You already know that wood impacts your pizza flavour, so choosing the ‘ONE’ that gives out the delicious flavor is vital. 

Again, don’t hesitate to take pleasure in ironbark firewood for sale as it produces a full-flavored smoke, leading to a classic flavor in pizza. 

Convenient To Burn

A wood that makes it hard to lit up is the wrong choice for a pizza oven. Hence, stick to only suitable firewood that, along with flavour, also burns conveniently.

Moisture Content In Firewood

The firewood with less or no moisture level will be too dry for the oven. Unfortunately, overly dry wood will convert heat energy into smoke and build creosote, boosting the chances of fire hazards.

On the other hand, wet firewood will burn poorly and generate a lot of smoke while cooking. Therefore, the only right choice for a pizza oven is firewood with a moisture content of 20%.

What Not To Use As Firewood?

You are not supposed to put into use pressure-treated woods, plywood, wood with high sap or oil content, or anything that is chemically treated. Otherwise, this may release toxins in your food, as well as in the air. 

Additionally, you should also not use charcoal in a wood-fired oven. The main reason being – it causes more monoxide poisoning than firewood. Besides, it doesn’t even produce a direct flame. 

There you go! Now you are ready to go shopping for the best firewood for your wood-fired pizza oven. In case of doubt, stick to ironbark firewood only. This will help you enjoy a delicious pizza, while also providing the benefit of a long burn with less smoke.