If you’ve ever had back discomfort, you know how aggravating it can be – and you’re not alone. It is believed that 60 to 80 percent of individuals in Western nations suffer from lower back discomfort. Because practically every action your body makes involves your back in some manner, this type of discomfort can seriously limit your activities. Strengthening your back muscles, as well as improving your range of motion, is one approach to help manage or even avoid non-specific back pain. But, with so many back workout available, you could feel a little overwhelmed, especially if you’re a beginner.

1. The preliminary exercise

Begin with 5 to 10 minutes of moderate exercise to get your blood moving and your muscles awake. After that, perform a 5-minute dynamic stretching routine to prepare your back for focused workouts. These back workout exercises are an excellent place to start.

2. The movements

If you’re a novice, pick three to five of the exercises listed below and perform one set of each twice a week. Work your way up to three sets of each gradually over the course of a few weeks. If you are familiar with strength training, select 3 to 5 of these exercises and perform 3 sets of each twice a week (or more). Aim to do all 15 of these exercises within a 2-week period to guarantee your practice is effective and well-rounded.

3. Resistance band pull-apart:

The resistance band pull-apart is a basic yet powerful exercise to begin your back workout. Choose a resistance band that allows you to perform 1 to 2 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions while maintaining proper form. Directions: Stand with your arms outstretched. With both hands, hold a resistance band taut in front of you, parallel to the ground. Keeping your arms straight, draw the band to your chest by moving your arms out to the sides. Begin the exercise at your mid-back, pressing your shoulder blades together and keeping your spine straight. Return to the beginning and repeat.

4. Barbell deadlift:

A barbell deadlift demands back power to execute since it works the lower back workout, erector spinae muscles, hamstrings, and glutes. Place your feet shoulder-width apart behind the barbell. Keeping your chest high, hinge at the hips and gently bend your knees, reaching down to take up the barbell. Maintain a straight back and grab the bar with both hands facing you. Push yourself back up to a sitting posture while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Throughout the action, keep your back straight and your shoulders down and back. Return to the beginning posture by pulling your hips back and bending your knees until the barbell is level with the ground.

5. Single-arm dumbbell row:

By balancing yourself on a bench and performing a single-arm row, you may target your back muscles with this back workout. Add some weight here to challenge yourself — while being mindful of your form, of course. Directions Position yourself on a bench such that your left knee and shin rest on it, and your left hand serves as a support. Your right leg should be straight and your foot should be flat on the ground. With your right hand, pick up the dumbbell. Keep your torso straight Row to dumbell up keeping your elbow close to your torso and dragging it toward the sky. As you bend your elbow, squeeze your upper back. Return to the starting position gradually. Perform 1 to 3 sets of 12 repetitions on each side.